
A roadmap, goals, plans and milestones are our bread and butter. But beyond this, the people are the most important factor that leads to success.

Over the years, we built together a committed and diverse team, which continuously learns, is attentive and sees its work in the foundation as a social mission and a great privilege to be part of.

Team members

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Eli Hurvitz

Executive Director

Eli Hurvitz has been at the forefront of philanthropy and social entrepreneurship in Israel for the last two decades. He was among the founders of “Avney Rosha“, the Israel Institute for School Leadership, and of the “Nachshon” project, which provides online tutoring for high school students nation-wide. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of “Hemda“, a science teaching center in Tel-Aviv, and of “Hakol Hinuch”, a public movement which strives to strengthen public education in Israel. Hurvitz coordinated “the Committee for Changing the Status of the National Library”, chaired by Supreme Court Judge, Prof. Yitzhak Zamir, and was among the founders of the “Guidestar” project in Israel.

From 2000 to 2011, Hurvitz served as the Deputy Director of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild Family Foundation, and beforehand he was the assistant to the Chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign and Defense Committee. Hurvitz holds an M.A. in Middle Eastern history from the Tel Aviv University.

Danielle Alter

Communications and Social Media Officer

Danielle is responsible for the field of communication and social media at the foundation. As part of her role, she promotes communication processes that bring the foundation’s work and activities to the forefront of public discourse. She manages the social media pages of the foundation and the digital magazine ‘It’s Time for Education’.

Danielle is a graphic designer and graduate of the Visual Communication department at the Avni Institute of Art and Design. Previously, she worked in the worlds of e-commerce, social media and marketing, graphic design, website management, at among others “Hava and Adam” – an ecological-educational farm in Modi’in. In her spare time she loves cats and picking mushrooms in the forest.

Yael Bar Moshe

Mathematics & Computers Program Officer

Yael is responsible for the field of computer science and mathematics in the program team. In addition, she guides the programs of the school networks and the pedagogy portfolio.

She has a bachelor’s degree in economics and computer science from Bar-Ilan University and a master’s degree in management and leadership in education from Tel Aviv University. Yael is a graduate of TFI (Teach First Israel), and was a mathematics and computer science teacher in middle schools in the social periphery of Israel. While she was a mathematics department coordinator in Ramla, she initiated a program to promote girls in the STEM fields. In her free time, she is a pastry chef.

Keren Derzi

Office & Productions Manager

Keren is responsible for organizing and producing conferences, professional meetings, events, and various productions. In addition, she is responsible for administrative and operational aspects of the office, including supporting the day-to-day activities of the team, coordination of meetings with partners, ongoing operations and contact with the foundation’s suppliers. Also, she is responsible for updating the CRM and accounting systems.

Keren holds an MBA from the Lander Institute in Jerusalem. Prior to joining the foundation, she worked at Teva Pharmaceuticals where she was site Facilities Operations Manager. During this time she led the team, initiated projects and worked towards improving the streamlining processes.

Revital Drori

Director of Policy & Programs

Revital manages the foundation’s policy and programs, previously she managed the foundation’s programs team and local partnerships.

She holds a BSc in Biology and an MA in Science teaching, both from Tel Aviv University.

Between 2007-2015 she developed and led excellence programs in mathematics and science at the ‘Israel Center for Excellence through Education’. Revital began her career as a biology and science teacher in middle and high schools. In 2022 she was a board member of the UJA-Federation of New York Selim and Rachel Benin Scholarship Fund.

Anat Goodman

High-tech matriculation progran officer

Anat is responsible for the “High-Tech Matriculation” field in the program team. As part of her work, she initiates and oversees programs aimed at increasing the number of students in Israel eligible for “High-Tech Matriculation”, with a particular focus on students from the periphery, the Arab community, and female students.
Anat holds a BA in English Language Teaching and an MA in Educational Technology from the University of Haifa. She was awarded the “Teacher of the Year” prize for entrepreneurship and innovation in education by the Ministry of Education. Anat served as a national instructor in the Ministry of Education as part of the national program to adapt the Israeli education system to the 21st century. She has been involved in teacher training in Israel, the U.S., South America, and Europe, and has lectured at educational conferences and seminars. In her most recent position, she served as the Vice President of Education at Ji, an organization promoting the teaching of Hebrew, Israel, and Jewish culture through technology integration.

Limor Maimon

Director of Grants & Data Operation

Limor is responsible for managing the grant operations process at the foundation. She provides assistance and guidance to the grantee organizations from an operational perspective from the planning stage of the grant, throughout the grant’s approval and until its end. In addition, she is responsible for development and implementation of information management systems.

Limor holds a BA in Arabic and Middle Eastern History from Bar Ilan University. Previously, she worked at the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) as the Channel 1 director’s office manager.

Dana Moison

Editor of "It's Time for Education" and Coordinator of the International Education Conference 2024

Dana is the editor of the digital magazine ‘It’s Time for Education’ and the coordinator of the international education conference in 2024. As part of her role, she is responsible for the ‘It’s Time for Education’ community, which includes tens of thousands of teachers and educators. In her work on the international education conference scheduled for November 2024, she oversees both the administrative aspects and the content of the conference.

Dana holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Open University and a master’s degree in women’s and gender studies from Tel Aviv University. She is a writer, journalist (contributing to Ynet and Mako), lecturer, and the author of a series of female-detective thriller books, which have been translated into English and published on Amazon.

Hadas Rapaport-Avganim

Social and Mental Skills Program Officer

Hadas is responsible for the social skills field in the program team and for developing the mental skills field at the foundation.

She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in general history from the Hebrew University. Previously, Hadas led projects and managed partnerships with the third and public sectors and developed content for educational organizations including ‘Machshava Tova’, which encourages technological literacy in the periphery, ‘Snunit’ which promotes digital learning, and ‘Zionut 2000’ which establishes educational-social projects. In addition, Hadas managed the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) and the global alumni network of the Masa organization.

Tirtsa Shamian

Director of Knowledge & Research

Tirtsa is responsible for the field of knowledge and research at the foundation. As part of her work, she initiates and supports research studies and surveys that serve the foundation’s strategy and works to make knowledge accessible and disseminate it.

Tirtsa holds a BA in International Business Administration from the VU University of Amsterdam and an MBA – Master of Business Administration with specialization in Management and Organizational Behavior from Bar Ilan University. Previously, Tirtsa worked at a private philanthropic consultancy office where she facilitated a comprehensive grants operations process for donors from abroad and Israeli charities. She made Aliyah to Israel from Holland in 2014.

Lisa Shoseyov

Director of Finance, Operations & Administrations

Lisa is responsible for managing the foundation’s finances, the Executive Director’s office and handling corporate issues, in addition to grant operations, administration and logistics of the foundation.

She has a master’s degree (M.Sc) in agriculture from the Hebrew University with a specialization in molecular genetics. She is also a senior payroll accountant. Previously, she served as a research assistant in the Department of Immunology at the Weizmann Institute of Science. She also served as an accountant at a winery belonging to her family, head of the office and assistant to the CEO of a water technology company, a seed company and a venture capital fund. In addition, she established and managed an educational framework in the locality where she lived. Lisa moved to Israel from the United Kingdom in 1972.

Ravid Yiron Dar

Director of Collective Impact

Ravid leads the foundation’s collective impact team. As part of her work, she leads the “collective impact” processes and professional meetings, as well as the foundation’s activities in the fields of knowledge, traditional and digital media, and research.

Ravid holds a BSc in Chemistry and a MSc in Science Education, both from the Hebrew University. Previously, she instructed and guided school principals at the “Mifras” educational entrepreneurship incubator program and worked at “Mada Vehashiva”, where she established and managed initiatives for gifted and talented children. She also spent many years teaching science and mathematics.