Out-of-the-Box Approaches

Identifying local centers of innovation, and integrating them in the system

Our efforts rely on best practice and its deep and wide-scale implementation. We believe however that we should stay attuned to experimental and innovative initiatives which are budding in the fringes of the system. These initiatives sometimes challenge the accepted norms and offer other models for teacher communities, diagnostic methods, teacher training and school intervention. If we close the doors to them, there is the risk that even when some of these approaches achieve success they remain in the shadow of the system-wide effort.

Therefore, we invest in controlled small scale experimentation of various approaches and assist them in checking their feasibility and educational contribution.

Video-Guide to Physics Teaching for New Teachers
Schwartz-Reisman Science Education Center
Professional Development for Physics Teachers at the CERN Particle Accelerator
Tel-Hai College
Collaboration between Teachers and Industry to Increase the Number of High School Physics Graduates in a Southern Town
Jusidman Science Center for Youth
Course in Teaching Particle Physics by CERN Experts for 25 Israeli Physics Teachers
Leo Baeck Education Center
Improving Achievement in Advanced Level High School Mathematics in Disadvantaged Schools
Tovanot B’Hinuch
Seeding a Regional Physics Teaching Center in the Central Galilee
Regional Collaboration in Northern Israel Providing Professional Development for Twenty High School Mathematics Teachers
Tel-Hai College
Physics Research Projects for High School Students in Yeruham
The New Yeruham Fund