Tailor-made programs

Providing Access to Underrepresented Communities

The potential for excellence is found throughout Israel – it is not limited to a certain region, community or gender. Therefore, our efforts are “color-blind”, as we strive to make quality teaching accessible to every type of student. However, as the foundation deepens its activities, we have found that the differences between communities and groups in Israeli society reveal that a uniform solution is not in all cases appropriate for all.

We have found that different communities and groups have different methods of coping with the challenge of excellence. For example, fewer female students choose to study physics and computer science; in the national religious sector, fewer students study chemistry; in Arab schools, clinical teaching has unique barriers; and in ultra-Orthodox schools, mathematics and science studies are particularly sensitive. For this reason, an in-depth study of each community led us to prepare special programs, so far on a small scale.  In cases in which we will identify significant potential for excellence among these groups, we will attempt to increase our efforts with them.


Local Program in the Bedouin Town of Hura to Double the Rate of 5-Unit Mathematics Graduates from 7% to 14% (60 students) by 2021
Hura Community Cernter
Program in Two Schools in Ofakim to Increase the Percentage of Five-Unit Mathematics Graduation in the City from 7% to 20% (35 students) by 2021
Davidson Insititute of Science Education
Municipal Program in Tirat Carmel to Increase the Percentage of Five-Unit Mathematics Graduation to 15% (36 students) by 2021
| Shfaram Community Center
Development and Implementation of a Physics "Growth Mindset" Course for 350 5-Unit Physics Teachers
The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Study on the untapped potential for excellence in 5-unit mathematics in the Arab school system
The Szold Institute
Study to Clarify the Untapped Potential for Excellence in 5-unit Mathematics and Physics among Female Students
The Szold Institute
Instructional Coaching for Thirty New Haredi Teachers of Five-Unit Mathematics in High School
Israel Center for Excellence Through Education
Study on the Potential for Excellence in Mathematics and Physics in the Haredi School System
Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research
Development and Pilot Testing in Four Cities of Gender-Sensitive Pedagogy Training for Five-Unit Mathematics Teachers in Order to Reduce Dropdown Rate of Female Students to 20%
Alliance – Kol Israel Haverim
Professional Development Program for 15 Five-unit mathematics and Physics Teachers from the Bedouin Community in the Negev
Tamar Center
Pedagogic Solutions to Increase Participation of Female Students in High School Physics and Mathematics Studies - Seed Fund
Campaign to Increase Student Participation in Mathematics and Science Majors in National Religious High Schools
Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avoda
School-Based Support for Female Students to Succeed in Mathematics and the Sciences
Alliance – Kol Israel Haverim