Tamar Center

The program for advancing excellence in the sciences at the Tamar Center is meant to rectify the lack of Bedouin students from the Negev who study in science and engineering faculties in Israel’s higher education systems. The program will train a cadre of Bedouin high school students–beginning in 10th grade, over the course of three years, and in cooperation with schools—professionally preparing them for success in 5 units of high school mathematics, physics and English. With the programs assistance these students will receive high grades, allowing them to be accepted into university science and engineering departments.

The studies as part of the program take place on Fridays in Beer Sheva at the Tamar Center for Educational Excellence, six hours a week (2 for physics, 2 for mathematics, and 2 for English). In addition concentrated study takes place (five days a week) over the course of three weeks during summer vacations. Alumni of the program will benefit from professional academic and financial guidance while applying to university, during their studies, and until their successful integration into the workforce.